"Strive to achieve; Take care of our world; Look after each other"

Admissions Process
• Application must be made by completion of an application form which is available from the school office or downloaded from the website.
• All forms must be returned to the school.
• Parents will be informed in writing of the outcome of the application.
• A copy of the child’s baptism certificate is required as proof of baptism.
• Only the Governing Body may admit and no representation by any person including governor, staff member, clergy or anyone elected to or employed by the local authority can be regarded as an indication of offer or promise of a place.
• Only a written offer from the governing body can be accepted as an admission offer.
• A place in the Nursery Class is not a guarantee of a place in the Reception Class and parents must apply for a place in Reception. Priority will not be given to parents of pupils that have attended the Nursery Class.
• In the case of oversubscription, the criteria shown below will apply.
Over Subscription Criteria:
The Governing Body will admit pupils up to the School’s Standard Admission Number which is 30. Where there are more than 30 applications, admissions will be made in accordance with the order of priority and procedure set out below:
[1] Children who are looked after and previously looked after (children in public care) of the Catholic faith.
[2] Looked after and previously looked after children (children in public care).
[3] Catholic children living in parishes of St Helen’s Caerphilly and St Peter’s, Bargoed-religious affiliation will need to be demonstrated by the child’s baptismal certificate if the child was baptised outside these parishes. If the child was baptised in St. Helen’s Church or St. Peter’s Bargoed, the baptismal registers for those parishes will be used.
[4] Catholic children not living in the parishes of Caerphilly and Bargoed- religious affiliation will need to be demonstrated by the child’s baptismal certificate. If the child was baptised in St. Helen’s Caerphilly or St. Peter’s Bargoed, the baptismal register for those parishes will be used.
[5] Non-catholic children living in Caerphilly County Borough who have a brother or sister in the school who are residing in the same household. A sibling is a child who is the brother/sister, half brother/sister (children who share a common parent), step brother/sister where two children are related by marriage. This definition also includes adopted or fostered children living at the same address.
[6] Children residing in Caerphilly County Borough who can demonstrate that they are actively engaged in supporting a Christian denomination. Applicants must provide written evidence of engagement in their denomination, which must include at least a letter written by a minister or person of authority who has personal knowledge of the applicant’s religious circumstances.
[7] Children residing in Caerphilly County Borough who can demonstrate that they are actively engaged in supporting a non-Christian faith. Applicants must provide written evidence of engagement in their faith, which must include at least a letter written by a minister or person of authority in that faith who has personal knowledge of the applicant’s religious circumstances.
[8] Children recommended for placement for medical, psychological or additional learning need reasons. These must be confirmed by the Local Authority’s professional advisers. Children with a statement of SEN should be admitted to the school named on their statement, and should not be considered as part of the oversubscription criteria.
[9] Non-catholic children living in Caerphilly County Borough.
Multiple Birth Children (e.g. twins or triplets)
If when applying the oversubscription criteria the last child to be admitted is one of a multiple birth e.g twin or triplet then the Governing Body will also admit the other sibling(s).
If Governors are unable to admit all applicants in a particular category they will give priority to those children who live closest to the school. This will be measured from the front door of the home to the front gate of the school (using the safest walking route) measured by AA Autoroute.
This proximity test will be carried out by someone who is not a school governor. Where a child lives with both parents at different times of the week, the measurement will be taken from the home where the child resides for the majority of a ‘normal’ week (i.e. term time).
The majority of the normal week being seen as 3 out of 5 school days. Parents will be required to provide documentary evidence to support the address they wish to be considered for allocation purposes (e.g. Child Benefit payments)
Children of UK Service personnel will be treated as residing in catchment if proof of posting is provided.
Appeals Procedure:
Parents have a statutory right of appeal against a decision not to admit a pupil. Appeals should be addressed to:
The Chairperson of St Helen’s Governing Body
St Helen’s RC Primary School, Lansbury Park, Caerphilly, CF83 1QH
Arrangements will then be made for an independent panel to consider the appeal.